National Guidelines for Caregivers
The Mental Health Commission of Canada has released National Guidelines to support caregivers to someone with a mental illness. This is the first ever attempt in Canada to articulate what unpaid caregivers require in order to fulfill their caregiving responsibilities and at the same time sustain their own well being!
Please take a look at the Guidelines HERE.
Through personal and professional experience, we know how important proper guidance and support is for family caregivers. But we also know that up until now, this support has been missing from the health care system. It has been inconsistent at best and often non-existent, with families left to fend for themselves as they try to help their loved ones recover from mental illness and at the same time keep themselves afloat.
These Guidelines aim to change that! But while service providers and policy makers are the principal target audience of these Guidelines, It will be up to families across the country to mobilize the change. AMI-Quebec will participate in this effort; we hope you will be interested in being a part of it as well.
We invite you to review the Guidelines and find out how you would like to be involved. Should you have questions, comments, or suggestions, please do not hesitate to contact us.