Share & Care Blog
Take a look at the posts below for some food for thought and useful tips on how to take care of yourself and your loved ones.
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Overcoming Depression, One Step at a Time: Diana’s Story
Get inspired by Diana's story about overcoming depression! Being active changed her life--it can help you, too.

Myth Busters: Depression
Come along as we address some of the myths surrounding depression--part 2 in our series on mental illness myth busting.

Words Matter: The Impact of Language
Have you thought about the meanings behind the words you use? What can happen when someone says “I’m feeling crazy” or “You’re being so OCD”? Can words really influence how someone is feeling?

“There’s no such thing as closure!”
Read what Dr. Pauline Boss had to say about ambiguous loss at our 2024 Annual Mental Health Forum, in her own words.

Canine Superpowers: A look at psychiatric service dogs
Learn all about psychiatric service dogs--how they can help, how to get one, and how they differ from emotional support animals.

Myth Busters: Borderline Personality Disorder
Welcome to a new series of articles that will look at specific mental illnesses and bust preconceived notions about said illness. We are starting off with Borderline Personality Disorder (BPD).

My Walking Cure: Loreen’s Story
Meet AMI board member and triathlete Loreen Pindera and discover how exercise has changed her mental health.

Is Online Medical Help Right For You? The pros and cons of telemedicine
Many appointments were moved online during the Covid-19 pandemic. This has led to a sea change in how we attend appointments, and that comes with both pros and cons.

Too Much of a Good Thing? The pitfalls of too many mental health conversations
There is a lot more talk about mental health these days. There are significant benefits, but is there a dark side to talking so openly about mental health?

Delusions and hallucinations can be really scary! How to help a loved one who is dealing with psychosis
It can be incredibly scary and debilitating if a loved one begins telling you that they are seeing or hearing things that are not there, or begins experiencing grandiose or intense delusions. We've got some tips for how to communicate and how to cope.

Forest Bathing: Improving your mental health, naturally
Forest bathing can bring you relaxation and time to reflect and unwind from everyday life in a peaceful environment. Discover where it came from, and where you can find it.

Exercise and Mental Health: Anne’s Story
Our past president Anne Newman shares how being physically active has helped her as a family carer. Her story will inspire you!

Living a good life: Finding your own purpose with Ikigai
What is your true purpose? How can you work towards identifying it? And what good will that do you, anyway?

It’s hot out there! How to take care of yourself and your loved ones
Take a look at these important suggestions.

You can do it! A free tool that will improve your life
If someone handed you a free tool that would give you more energy, better sleep, reduce your stress, and improve your mood, you would take it, wouldn’t you?

5 Ways to Support Someone Who is Living With a Mental Illness
These five tips can help you strengthen your relationship with your ill loved one so you can play a vital role in supporting them through their recovery process.

Top 10 questions families ask about communicating with a loved one experiencing emotional dysregulation or Borderline Personality Disorder (BPD)
Helpful tips for anyone having trouble communicating with a loved one who lives with mental illness.

Announcing a New Young Adult Support Group
We've got a new support group for anyone aged 18-30 who is struggling with their mental health or who cares about someone who is. This will be a dedicated space for young people to help them navigate the unique challenges today’s youth face.

Virtual Reality & Hoarding Disorder: A New Kind of Treatment?
A pilot study by Stanford Medicine shows there are some benefits to using virtual reality to treat hoarding disorder.

We Have Updated Our Name!
An update to AMI's name!
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