
Keep an eye on this page for upcoming events!

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Call us at 514-486-1448 (1-877-303-0264 outside Montreal) for more information.

Beat the February Blues 4!

Beat the February Blues with AMI and Cummings! As part of our continuing efforts to encourage physical activity as a pathway to better mental health, you can sample online fitness classes for people aged 50+.

Past Events

Annual Mental Health Forum

October 17, 2024

Beat the February Blues 3

Low-Beer Event
Medical Assistance in Dying for Mental Illness:
Viewpoints, Challenges, Possible Outcomes
November 2, 2023

Medical Assistance in Dying is complex and controversial. Our event addressed the multi-faceted, complicated, and deeply nuanced subject of MAiD for mental illness through different perspectives of mental health practitioners and people living with mental illness.

Beat the February Blues II

Rethinking Psychiatry

Low-Beer Memorial Lecture

Beat the February Blues

Racism, Diversity and Mental Health: The 2021 Low-Beer Event

2 for 1 on October 8th: Join us online for the Low-Beer Memorial Lecture & Awards presentation

Did you miss the 2020 Low-Beer lecture and Awards presentation? Watch the recordings by clicking on the links below.

AMI Rocks!

Click HERE to view photos from our AMI Rocks! event that took place on October 16, 2019.

Family, Medicine and Madness: the 2019 Low-Beer Lecture

Did you miss the 2019 Low-Beer lecture? Fear not!

Hear author James FitzGerald’s family story and his suggestions to fix Canada’s broken mental health system.

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