Share & Care Blog

Take a look at the posts below for some food for thought and useful tips on how to take care of yourself and your loved ones.

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The Magic Mind – A Look Into Psychedelic Therapy

Humans have been using mind-altering substances for millennia. Take a look at how we might use psychedelics to treat several mental illnesses, substance abuse, and much more.

Guilty Conscience? Here’s what that means

Feelings of guilt can be damaging to mental health and can lead to increased stress, anxiety, sleepless nights, and fatigue. Here's what you need to know.

Athletes and Mental Health: Speaking Out in a Competitive Environment

Some professional athletes have spoken out about their personal struggles which helps to destigmatize and normalize having conversations about mental health. But is it really so tough being competitive and famous?

“You’re such a narcissist!” What does that really mean?

What does it really mean to be a narcissist, and how can we deal with someone who is narcissistic?

Neuroplasticity: A New Hope in Recovery

We’re commonly told that the brain is a fixed structure, set into place once a person reaches full development, so there’s no hope for change…or is there? Neuroplasticity has been challenging many former preconceptions.

Managing schizophrenia without medication? A look into the Soteria model

Is managing schizophrenia possible without medication? Take a look at The Soteria Project.

BPD and Teens: What Parents Want to Know!

The good news is that BPD is treatable--both parents and teens can find relief.

Court Orders for Psychiatric Evaluation

A court order for psychiatric evaluation is a legal procedure that may be required when someone poses a risk to themselves and/or to others, but refuses help. It's a last resort if your ill loved one needs psychiatric help but refuses.

What Not to Say to Someone Living With Depression

Language is powerful. Sometimes we think we are saying something helpful, but it is actually harmful. This can be especially true when talking to someone who is living with depression.

Agoraphobia: The Phobia That Keeps You Locked In

Agoraphobia is a type of anxiety disorder triggered by being in open places and with crowds. Read all about it.

Can Healthy Habits Really Improve Mental Health?

Food and exercise make a bigger difference to mental health than you might think!

What makes AMI work?

Our executive director, Ella Amir, shares her thoughts on workplace culture and why an engaged employee is a happy employee.

Reaching out: One-Way Texts

Sometimes communication with an ill loved one can be tough. You can reach out by sending a one-way text--here's how!

Hoarders on TV: Exploitative or helpful?

Reality TV shows like the American show Hoarders showcase someone living in a severe hoarding situation. Hoarding “experts” are brought in and the house is cleaned out. Is this exploiting someone who needs help for a serious mental health issue, or does it actually provide support for and solutions to hoarding behaviours?

The Relationship Between Chronic Pain and Mental Health

Chronic pain can be a heavy burden to carry, and many people who have chronic pain also experience mental health challenges such as anxiety and depression. We answer your questions about chronic pain and mental health in this article.

Pushing Away Negative Emotions

What are the consequences of pushing away unpleasant feelings? Can it harm you in the long run?

5 Ways to Support Someone With a Mental Illness

These five tips can help you strengthen your relationship with your ill loved one so you can play a vital role in supporting them through their recovery process.

Suicide in Men: the Silent Killer

Did you know that suicide is the leading cause of death in men between the ages of 40 and 60 in Canada? Why are suicide rates among men so high?

Smiling Depression: An In-Depth Look

What is "smiling depression"? Who is at risk, what are the signs, and how is it treated?

Gender Pronouns

What are "gender pronouns" and why do they matter at AMI-Quebec?

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