Share & Care Blog

Take a look at the posts below for some food for thought and useful tips on how to take care of yourself and your loved ones.

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Tips for Time Management

There are only so many hours in the day to do all you need to get done. This can be especially true for family carers. Here are some tips and tricks that you can use to better manage your time, and help reduce time-induced stress.

Supporting Versus Enabling: What is the difference?

There are many ways you can help a loved one who is struggling, and some are more helpful than others. Have you ever questioned if your actions are supporting your loved one or if you are enabling their behaviours?

“The opposite of addiction is not sobriety, it’s connection”: Chasing the Scream by Johann Hari

Why did the war on drugs start and why does it continue? Why can some people use drugs with no problem while others can’t? What really causes addiction? What happens if radically different policies are tried?

I’m struggling with my mental health! But who can help me?

If you’re dealing with challenges like anxiety, depression, psychosis, or unresolved trauma, it can be confusing to know which professional could be best for you or for your loved one. And how can you go about finding someone anyway? Here's a little guide to help you figure it all out.

Compassion Fatigue: When Caring Takes its Toll

It is important to feel compassion for yourself as well as others. If you don’t take care of yourself it can lead to compassion fatigue.

Take the time to try Meditation: A few minutes a day can bring many benefits

Meditation can be a great coping strategy and there are many benefits.

Stop missing out! How to Deal with Social Anxiety

Social anxiety can render you uncomfortable, stressed, and anxious. But help is available!

Dealing with Grief: When you miss someone or something you loved

Grief is a natural reaction to loss, but it can become all-consuming and overwhelming. Understanding grief and knowing how to work your way through it (at your own pace, in your own way) is important.

MAiD and Mental Illness: A Complex Issue

Medical Assistance in Dying (MAiD) for mental illness is a complex issue that our panel discussed on November 2nd, 2023.

Artificial Intelligence: Technology and Mental Health

How has artificial intelligence helped in the field of mental illness? Where are we now, and where are we headed?

How to Let a Teacher Know You’re a Young Carer

If you feel like you are responsible for making sure someone is staying healthy and happy, you might be a young caregiver! And your teachers should be able to help make life easier for you.

Mental Illness or Normal Life Stresses? The dangers of self-diagnosing

What are the dangers of self-diagnosis? When is a mental illness an illness or simply poor mental health? Why should we be careful when researching information online? Is it really all that bad?

Coping With Trauma

Trauma is defined as a mental, emotional and/or physical stress reaction that occurs after an event and can lead to feelings of shock, denial, anger, or numbness. Here's how to help yourself or someone you care about.

What to do if someone you know is suicidal

Do you know someone who you think may be thinking about suicide? Want to know how you can help them? Check out our advice to help you and your loved one.


What is self-harm, what does it mean, and how we can detect it? Like many addictions, it can feel overwhelming and all-encompassing, but it is possible to stop self-harming.

The Magic Mind – A Look Into Psychedelic Therapy

Humans have been using mind-altering substances for millennia. Take a look at how we might use psychedelics to treat several mental illnesses, substance abuse, and much more.

Guilty Conscience? Here’s what that means

Feelings of guilt can be damaging to mental health and can lead to increased stress, anxiety, sleepless nights, and fatigue. Here's what you need to know.

Athletes and Mental Health: Speaking Out in a Competitive Environment

Some professional athletes have spoken out about their personal struggles which helps to destigmatize and normalize having conversations about mental health. But is it really so tough being competitive and famous?

“You’re such a narcissist!” What does that really mean?

What does it really mean to be a narcissist, and how can we deal with someone who is narcissistic?

Neuroplasticity: A New Hope in Recovery

We’re commonly told that the brain is a fixed structure, set into place once a person reaches full development, so there’s no hope for change…or is there? Neuroplasticity has been challenging many former preconceptions.

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