Share & Care Blog

Take a look at the posts below for some food for thought and useful tips on how to take care of yourself and your loved ones.

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What is Caregiver Burnout?

Are you a family caregiver and aren't sure if you are experiencing burnout? Learn more about symptoms and how you can help yourself.

Seasonal Affective Disorder: Just the Winter Blues?

What is seasonal affective disorder(SAD)? Is it something you feel just in the winter? How can you help yourself or your loved one with SAD?

Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder: Trauma Can Affect Anyone

Want to better understand post-traumatic stress disorder? Read our article for more information on PTSD and treatment options.

Caregiver Myths Debunked

Do you think you might be a caregiver but aren't sure? Want to know what a caregiver is? Read our article to learn more about caregiver myths.

Top Free Mental Health Apps

Did you know that there are free apps that can help with your mental health? Click here to learn about free apps that are available!

Positive Psychology: An In-Depth Look

Can “thinking happy thoughts” actually make a difference? Learn about positive psychology and how you can practice it.

AMI-Quebec’s Education and Outreach Program

Meet Tony Alfonso, AMI's Outreach Coordinator!

Quick Tips to Reduce Your Anxiety

Feeling anxious? Struggling with anxiety? Here are some things to try.

Tips for families struggling with mental illness

Mental illnesses often present challenges for family members. Families can play a critical role in helping loved ones recover, but it’s not easy! Here are some helpful tips.

It’s hot out there! How to take care of yourself and your loved ones

Take a look at these important suggestions.

Stigma on Campus

Take a look at some initiatives organized by student groups on campus to tackle stigma against mental illness.

How the voice of one can change the lives of many

Every movement starts with one idea, one voice. It's time to stop the stigma that surrounds mental illness!

The power of words, and why I think labels should stop

Young people often fall into the trap of using labels that can be hurtful. This post explores some reasons for this and how it can be addressed.

Coping With the Holiday Season

Holidays can be overwhelming! How can we deal with all the expectations, financial burdens, and feelings during this time of year?

Top 8 Tips For Maintaining Good Mental Health

You don’t have to live with mental illness to benefit from good mental health. These tips can improve your life!

The Goods on Hoarding

A brief introduction to hoarding, early signs of it, and how to get help.

RESILIENCY – Using one’s Strength to Overcome the Challenges of Caregiving

Find out more about challenges faced by caregivers and suggestions for supporting resilience.

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