Young Carers Resources

Click on the blue links below for resources for young carers and for people who want to help and support young carers. More to come!

Caregiver Support Line (L’Appui) – a free and confidential phone consultation, information, and referral service for caregivers, as well as friends and family, practitioners, and health care professionals. 1-855-852-7784

Caregivers Booklet (Biblio-Santé)  – A health-related resource directory for caregivers in Quebec. Book and media suggestions begin on page 17.

Emergency Planning Kit (Young Caregivers Association) – A fillable emergency plan for young people who support a loved one.

Proche aidance Québec – tools and videos about young carers (English resources available to download).

AMI-Quebec has an extensive resource list that could be helpful. Click here. Of special note: pages for students and for children and youth.

We also have a support group once a month for young carers aged 18-30.

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