About in-person programs
Our address is 5800 Decarie in Montreal (corner of Bourret), and access is through the back door by our parking lot.
If your workshop is taking place in person, please keep the following in mind:
- Be on time–latecomers may not be admitted.
- If you are sick, have symptoms of Covid, or have had a recent exposure to someone who is sick, please stay home.
- The workshop will be held in an enclosed space so distancing may not be possible. Masks will be provided for people who wish to wear one.
- For the safety of all, we encourage you to wear a mask and to be fully vaccinated (but neither is mandatory).
- If circumstances change and we are unable to hold this event in person, we will notify you by email and by phone at least 24 hours in advance. We will then hold this event online using Google Meet.
Only certain programs are being held in person. In-person counselling meetings may be available upon request. Our library is currently closed.
All of AMI-Quebec’s support groups will continue online for the foreseen future (except for our South Shore group).
If you have any questions or concerns, give us a call at 514-486-1448 or email our program coordinator Marc: program@amiquebec.org.
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