Addiction, Substance Abuse, Dual Diagnosis

Substance abuse problems can go hand in hand with mental health issues. If you or someone you love is struggling with addiction, substance abuse, or dual diagnosis (an addiction to drugs or alcohol AND a mental illness), please see the resources below for help.

Please note: AMI-Quebec helps families cope with mental health problems and illnesses in a loved one. Although substance abuse problems are sometimes addressed in our support groups and counselling for families, we do not offer services to overcome addictions. Contact the organizations below for help.




Addiction Psychiatry Program (MUHC)514-934-8311Specialized mental health care for individuals suffering from substance use disorders, substance-related disorders, and concurrent psychiatric illness [E/F]Montreal
Addiction Outreach Program514-731-8000Life skills, support, workshops, dual diagnosis, After Care program ($ sliding scale) [E/F]Montreal (Côte-des-Neiges)
Addiction Resources for Children & Teens514-412-4400Addiction resources for children and teens in and around Montreal (list from the Montreal Children's Hospital) [E/F]Montreal
Addiction TribeWebsiteSelf-help online community for people w/ addiction problems, online support [E]Online
Al-Anon613-723-8484Support for friends and family of problem drinkers [E/F/S]North America; search for meetings near you.
Centre A.S.P.A.514-529-0641Non-medical rehab centre, therapy, support for family and the addicted ($) [F]Montreal
Centre for Addiction and Mental Health1-800-463-2338Mental health and addiction hospital, recovery programs and research [E/F]ON
Centre de réadaptation en dépendance de Montréal514-385-1232Treatment programs for individuals with an addiction (alcohol, drugs, gambling) and support for family and friends. [F]Montreal
Chabad Lifeline514-738-7700Programs and support groups for those dealing with addiction and their families (alcohol, drugs, gambling, sex, eating, co-dependency), outpatient centre (all forms of addiction), crisis intervention, support, etc. [E]Montreal (Côte-des-Neiges)
Clinique Nouveau Depart1-866-965-2914Detox, recovery, reintegration, 7-wk intensive programs, dual diagnosis [E/F] ($)Montreal (Mont-Royal)
ConnexOntario 1-866-531-2600Information about drug and alcohol addiction services in Ontario [E/F]ON
Drugs: Help and Referral514-527-2626
24/7 information and referral service helpline [E/F]QC
Dunham House 450-263-3434Residential treatment centre for those experiencing mental health disorders and substance abuse. [E/F]QC (Dunham)
Foster Addiction Rehabilitation Centre514-486-1304
Provides addiction rehabilitation services for all addictions except sex addiction (adults and youth) [E]Montreal; also other locations in Quebec
Gambling: Help and Referral514-527-0140
Refers Quebecers who need help with gambling to the appropriate resources [E/F]QC
Griffith Edwards Centre Addictions Unit514-934-8311Inpatient and outpatient therapy & support for substance abusers, dual diagnosis [E/F]Montreal
Life Science Addiction Treatment Centre450-451-9995Inpatient treatment for addiction and dual diagnosis (addiction plus mental illness) [E]. $Rigaud, Quebec
Narcotics Anonymous Quebec1-855-544-6362Support for drug problems [E/F]Montreal and across Quebec
Portage1-844-939-0202Drug rehab programs and centres for adolescents, pregnant women, mothers, first nations, and adults with mental health issues. [E/F]Quebec, Ontario, New Brunswick
Programme Alcochoix +WebsiteProgram to help control drinking habits; may be offered in CLSCs across Quebec [E/F]Quebec
Sex and Love Addicts Anonymous (SLAA)514-983-0671
12-step programs to break pattern of sex and love addiction; local, online, and phone meetings [mainly E/ some F]Montreal
Toxico-Stop Residential Treatment Centre514-327-6017Shelter, detoxification support, social reintegration to help people overcome their addiction difficulties. [E/F]Montreal
Vilavi514-875-7013Residential intervention programs offered for people with substance abuse and related issues [E/F]. $Montreal (Montreal & Terrebonne)