General Information, Government Services
This is a good place to start if you are looking for general information about mental illness or would like to access government services.
Anxiety Canada | Website | Information and various online resources for anxiety disorders [E/F] | Canada |
Bonjour Santé | Website | Helps you find a doctor or a specialist and book an appointment [E/F] $$ | QC |
Canadian Alliance on Mental Illness and Mental Health | 613-237-2144 x323 | Advocacy, resources, and general information about mental illness [E] | Canada |
Canadian Mental Health Association | Website | Resources, publications, referrals to local services [E/F] | Canada |
Canadian Psychiatric Association | 613-234-2815 1-800-267-1555 | Education, publications, advocacy, resources, association for psychiatrists in Canada [E/F] | Canada |
Canadian Psychological Association | 613-237-2144 1-888-472-0657 | Professional association for psychology, information on practitioners [E/F] | Canada |
Centre d’expertise en gestion de la santé et de la sécurité du travail (Université Laval) | 418-656-2131 x402688 | Information on work-related mental health problems, prevention and compensation [E/F] | QC |
CLSC de Pierrefonds (Guichet d'accès) | 514-630-2225 x3939 | Entry point for mental health services [E/F] | Montreal (West Island) |
CMHA Montreal | 514-521-4993 | Resources, publications, referrals to local services [E/F] | Montreal |
Community Health and Social Services Network (CHSSN) | 418-684-2289 1-855-684-2289 | Aims to improve access to healthcare and social services for English speakers; many programs and resources [E] | QC |
Health Canada | 1-866-225-0709 | Federal department that helps Canadians maintain & improve their health [E/F] | Canada |
Information and Referral Centre of Greater Montréal | 514-527-1388 | Information on community resources, referrals; listing of non-profit organizations [E/F] | Montreal |
InfoSanté (Santé et Services Sociaux Quebec) | 811 | Information about health-related topics, find your local CLSC [E/F] | QC |
Med-Effect Canada | 1-866-225-0709 | Info about medications & side-effects, no medical advice [E/F] | Canada |
Ministere Emploi & Solidarité Sociale | 514-873-4000 1-877-767-8773 | Ministry for all info regarding gov. assistance, i.e. filing complaints, social assistance [E/F] | QC |
Ministère de la Santé et des Services sociaux | 514-644-4545 1-877-644-4545 | Ministry of health and social services of Quebec [E/F] | Quebec |
Montreal Volunteer Bureau | 514-842-3351 | Listing of volunteer positions and organizations in Montreal area [E/F] | Montreal |
Mood Disorders Association Of Ontario | 416-486-8046 1-888-486-8236 | Support groups, information, education for bipolar disorder, anxiety, and depression [E] | ON |
National Alliance on Mental Illness (NAMI) | 1-800-950-6264 | Information, advocacy, education; support and programs available [E/S] | USA |
National Institute of Mental Health (NIMH) | 1-866-615-6464 | Outreach, education, publications, research and statistics, referrals 24/7 [E] | USA |
National Network for Mental Health | Website | Advocacy, education, expertise and resources for people living w/ mental illness [E] | Canada |
Office des Personnes Handicapés QC | 1-800-567-1465 | Resources, information, and publications for handicapped individuals [some E/F] | QC |
Public Health Agency of Canada | 1-844-280-5020 | Health and safety information, disease prevention [E/F] | Canada |
Register to find a family doctor - Quebec Government | Website | Get on the waiting list to find a family doctor [E/F] | QC |
Retraite Quebec | 514-873-2433 1-800-463-5185 | Information on Quebec Pension Plan and disability benefits [E/F] | Quebec |
Santé Montréal | Website | Information on health and social services in Montreal [E/F] | Montreal |
Schizophrenia Society of Canada | 1-204-320-3188 | Information, education, advocacy, support programs for those affected by schizophrenia [E] | Canada |
Service Canada | 1-800-622-6232 | Lists all Canadian government services [E/F] | Canada |
Societé d'Habitation du Quebec | 1-800-463-4315 | General housing information, subsidized housing program for low-income individuals and families [E/F] | QC |