Victims of Crime (including sexual assault)

Did you know that 25 percent of those living with mental illness are likely to be victims of violent crime (compared with three percent of the general population)? If you are the victim of a crime, the resources below can help by providing support and information.

Please note: AMI-Quebec helps families cope with mental health problems and illnesses in a loved one. If you have been the victim of a crime and are struggling with mental health issues, you are welcome to attend one of our support groups (where applicable), but we do not have specific services for you. Contact the organizations below for help.




L'Abri d'Espoir514-934-5615Emergency & long-term shelter, meals, counseling & referral [E/F]Montreal
Advice from Quebec's director of criminal and penal prosecutions (DPCP)1-877-547-3727Hotline for free legal support for sexual assault survivors; open M-F from 8:30-4:30[E/F]Quebec
Auberge Madeleine514-597-1303Short-term housing & group living for women in
difficulty [E/F] 18+
Auberge Shalom514-731-0833External counseling, emergency shelter for abused women of all ethnicities [E/F]Montreal
Auberge Transition514-481-0495Free shelter & support for women & children victims of violence [E/F/other]Montreal
CALACS West Island514-684-2198Phone + emerg. support, advocacy, legal info for assaulted women ages 14+ [E/F]Montreal (West Island)
Canadian Resource Centre For Victims of Crime1-877-232-2610Support for those who are victim of serious crime [E/F]Canada
CAVAC – Crime Victims Assistance Center1-866-532-2822Post-trauma intervention, info on rights, assistance with forms, accompaniment, legal info, referrals. Also some support for family carers and witnesses. For all ages [E/F/Other]QC
CRIPHASE514-529-5567Support groups, other services and resources for male survivors of child sexual abuse [F]Montreal (Villeray)
Femmes du Monde514-735-9027Community centre for women, self-help group against conjugal violence [E/F]Montreal (Cote-des-Neiges)
Assisting persons who are victims of criminal offences and facilitating their recovery. Financial support. Also support for victims' close relations and dependents [E/F]Montreal
Juripop514-705-1637Free legal assistance for victims of sexual assault [E/F]QC
La rue des Femmes514-284-9665Emergency and long-term shelter, follow-up, social reintegration for homeless women and women in distress [E/F]Montreal (Centre)
Men & Healing613-482-9363Information, resources, and counselling services($) for men who have experienced abuse [E/F]ON
Montreal Assault Prevention Center514-284-1212Educational and skill-building workshops for children, youth, women, and people with disabilities. [E/F]Montreal
Montreal Sexual Assault Centre514-933-9007
24 hour help line for sexual assault (all ages), counselling and referrals for victims + loved ones (adult) [E/F]Montreal
Multi-Femmes514-523-1095Short-term housing for female victims of conjugal violence, individual and group intervention [E/mostly F/Other]Montreal
Le Parados514-637-3529Short-term housing for women & children victims of violence [E/F/S/other]Montreal (Lachine)
Rebatir1-833-732-2847Free legal consultation for up to 4 hours for victims of sexual violence and domestic abuse [E/F]Quebec
Regroupement québecois des CALACS514-529-5252
Group of orgs - provide support, info, advocacy for female assault victims [mostly F]QC
Sexual Assault Centre of the McGill Students' Society (SACOMSS)514-398-8500Crisis intervention, helpline, support groups, accompaniment, outreach, referrals. Open to all (not just McGill students). [E/F]Montreal
Sexual Assault Provincial Helpline514-933-9007
Provincial helpline for situations involving sexual assault [E/F]Montreal and across Quebec
S.O.S. Conjugal Violence1-800-363-901024 hour help line [E/F]Montreal
The Shield of Athena514-274-8117
Shelter, intervention, prevention for victims (children and women) of domestic violence [E/F/other]Montreal (Mount Royal)
Survivors of Incest AnonymousWebsiteSupport groups for adult survivors of childhood sexual abuse [E/F]Montreal and worldwide
Info to deal with situations involving sexual assault. Legal info, guidance, referrals, what to do. [E/F]Montreal and across Quebec
West Island Women's Centre514-695-8529Activities, support groups, workshops, special programs for teens & mothers [E/F]Montreal (West Island)
Women Aware514-489-1110
Listening line, support groups, prevention workshops, accompaniment [E/F]Montreal
Women's Centre of Montreal514-842-4780Support, workshops, accompaniment, employment, integration [E/F]Montreal