There is a culture in our society that men have to be tough, have to be strong. This can lead to men not reaching out for help when a mental health issue may be present. Among Canadians of all ages, four of every five suicides are male, and an average of eight men take their lives each day. Here are some mental health resources that are specifically for men.
Anxiety BC | Website | Article on men and anxiety [E] | Online (BC) |
Canadian Men's Health Foundation | 604-737-2990 | Changing ideas and stereotypes of men's mental health [E/F] | Online (Canada) |
514-355-8300 | Anger management group for men; $ ($125 for 10 meetings; sliding scale available) [F] | Montreal | |
Criphase | 514-529-5567 | Services for men who were sexually abused as a child [E/F] | Montreal |
Eating Disorders of York Region's Riverwalk Wellness Centres | 905-886-6632 | Workshops and resources to understand eating disorders in men [E] | ON |
Father's Mental Health Network | 416-586-4800 x8325 | Resource for fathers who suffer from mental illness [E] | Toronto |
Heads Up Guys | | Health strategies for managing and preventing depression in men [E] | Online |
Health Canada - Men | 1-866-225-0709 | Resources for men's physical and mental health [E/F] | Online (Canada) |
Help Guide | Website | Article on depression in men [E] | Online |
Men's Health Research | Website | Research centre in BC aiming to reduce men's depression and suicide [E] | Online (BC) |
The Men's D.E.N. | Website | A network to educate about men and depression [E/F] | Canada |
Movember Canada | Website | Information and resources for men with mental illness to live healthier lives [E/F] | Online (Canada) |
Santé Montreal | Website | Resources for men's health and well-being [E/F] | Online (Montreal) |