Listening Services

Do you need someone to talk to about mental illness or any other problem? The services listed below are there to help.

Please note: AMI-Quebec helps families cope with mental health problems and illnesses in a loved one. While we are happy to talk to you by phone, we are not a listening line. Contact the organizations below for help.

L'Appui1-855-852-7784Listening service, support, and referrals for caregivers of elderly people [E/mostly F]QC
Centre d'Écoute Le Havre514-982-0333Drop-in centre for talking to someone in complete confidentiality [F]Montreal
CFMWS514-457-3440 x 3113 (Montréal Peer Support Coordinator)Peer support for Canadian Forces personnel, veterans, and their families [E/F]Canada (local chapters across the country)
ConnexOntario1-866-531-2600Information about mental health services in Ontario, referrals 24/7 [E/F]ON
Écoute Entraide514-278-2130
Listening line 7 days a week, 8am-10pm, peer support groups [F]Montreal
Face à Face514-934-4546Free 8-week counselling, drop-in support groups, listening, assistance [E/F]Montreal
Interligne 514-866-0103
Info, listening, referrals, support re: sexual orientation by phone and web-chat [E/F]QC
Kids Help Phone1-800-668-6868Helpline for kids and teens; counseling, listening, referrals, info [E/F]Canada
Ligne Pairs-Aidants J'écoute! (Association québécoise pour la réadaptation psychosociale)1-888-974-7247Listening service for those who are living or have lived with a mental illness; open certain hours only. [E/F]Canada
Ligne Parents1-800-361-508524/7 phone counseling & support for parents of children & teens [E/F]QC
Multi-Écoute514-737-3604Listening, assistance, psychosocial support, immigrant populations [E/F/S/other]Montreal (Côte-des-Neiges)
National Eating Disorder Information Centre1-866-633-4220
Help line, support, information on eating disorders, and referrals to health professionals [E]Canada
National Inquiry into Missing and Murdered Indigenous Women and Girls - Emotional Assistance 1-844-413-6649Toll-free 24/7 crisis call line providing support for anyone who requires emotional assistance related to missing and murdered Indigenous women and girls [E/F]Canada
Relief (formerly Revivre)1-866-738-4873
Help-line, education, resources, support groups, counseling [F]Montreal
Suicide Action Montreal (SAM)1-866-277-3553Listening line, education, bereavement support [E/F]Montreal
Tel-Aide Montreal514-935-1101Free, anonymous, non-judgmental listening centre for people in distress. Open 7-11pm. [E/F]Montreal
Tel-Ainés514-353-2463Free, anonymous, and confidential listening line for 60+ [F]Montreal
Tel-Écoute514-493-4484Free, confidential, & anonymous listening line [F]Montreal
Tel-Jeunes1-800-263-2266 (phone)
514-600-1002 (text)
24/7 support and helpline; phone counseling for kids and teens under 20 [E/F]Montreal
Vent Over Teainfo@ventovertea.comFree and confidential active listening service [E/F]Montreal
West Island Crisis Center514-684-6160Crisis line, counselling, short-term housing, mobile intervention - all 24/7 [E/F]Montreal (West Island)