If you or if someone you love is thinking or talking about suicide, and you are worried for your/their safety, call or text Canada’s new mental health hotline 988. For acute emergencies, call 911 or go to your local hospital.
Please note: AMI-Quebec helps families cope with mental health problems and illnesses in a loved one. We are not a crisis centre; contact the organizations below for help.
Association Québecoise de Prevention du Suicide | 1-866-277-3553 | Info, education, support, help, various programs, regional resources, referrals [F] | QC |
Canadian Association for Suicide Prevention | 613-702-4446 | Info, support, education [E/F] | Canada |
Centre for Suicide Prevention | 1-833-456-4566 | Info, toolkit, library, workshops; prevention for children and youth; postvention for indigenous [E] | Canada (AB) |
Family Survivors of Suicide (FSOS) | | Information, resources, support group for family members [mostly E/F] | Montreal |
First Nations and Inuit Suicide Prevention Association of Quebec (FNISPAQ) | 514-933-6066 | Resources, prevention, education, workshops, yearly conference [E/F/Other] | QC & NL |
Save | 1-800-273-8255 | Info, resources, education, crisis line [E] | USA |
Suicide Action Montreal (SAM) | 1-866-277-3553 | Listening line, education, bereavement support [E/F] | Montreal | | Website | List of international suicide hotlines [E] | International |
Suicide Prevention Help | Website | Web directory for suicide prevention resources [E] | Online |
Tel-Aide Montreal | 514-935-1101 | Free, anonymous, & non-judgmental listening centre for people in distress. Open 7-11pm. [E/F] | Montreal |
Tel-Jeunes | 1-800-263-2266 (phone) 514-600-1002 (text) | 24/7 support and helpline; phone counseling for kids and teens under 20 [E/F] | Montreal |