Young Carers Resource List

If you are a young person who is affected by or cares for a family member or friend who has a chronic illness, disability, mental health or substance use issue and/or problems related to old age, or if you care about someone who is a young carer, these resources are for you! 

Not seeing what you need?  Try our Children and Youth, Student, or Caregiving-related issues resource lists. 

AMI-Quebec offers services to families impacted by mental health challenges, and we also organize activities to help young carers with their mental health. Sign up here to receive updates on our young carer programs. 

To learn more about young carers visit our Young Carers page, or visit our collection of toolkits and guides for young carers.

All the listed resources are FREE or charge on a sliding scale. The few exceptions are marked with a dollar sign: $. Note that you may need a referral to access some supports.

[E] indicates service in English and [F] indicates service in French.

If you have any questions, please give us a call at 514-486-1448 (1-877-303-0264 outside Montreal) or email us at

A good first step is your local Aire Ouverte or CLSC! Or call 2-1-1 for a free helpline that can help direct you.

Please note that we provide this information as guidance only and that these are just some of the organizations that can help you. See our terms of use for details.

Supports available to all caregivers

These organizations specialize in helping the family and friends supporting a person struggling with a health or mental health condition, or particularly are just for young carers. If you’re looking for information, you may also like to look at the Caregiving-related issues resource list.

L'Appui1-855-852-7784Quebec resource directory for finding support, and Caregiver Support Helpline / Info-Aidant [E/F]Quebec
Canadian Centre for Caregiving Excellence416-322-5928Events, information, and advocacy for family caregivers, with a national directory of support organizations and wellness programming. [E/F]Canada
Diary of a Young CaregiverWebsiteFacebook group for young caregivers under 25 with ill or disabled family members, including those with addictions and mental health illnesses. It also includes those who provide support when parents are absent or have language barriers.Canada (online)
Maisons Gilles-Carle514-738-5151Respite activities and guidance for family caregivers in Quebec. Visit their site to view locations. [E/F]Quebec
Mindfulness for Family Caregivers416-322-5928A six-week program for caregivers. Partnership between the Centre for Caregiving Excellence and the Centre for Addiction and Mental Health [E]Canada (online)
Proche Aidance Quebec514-524-1959Information and advocacy for family caregivers in Quebec. Services dependent on members. Visit their members directory to find an organization near you. [Primarily F]Quebec
RAANM514 374-1056Support Groups, Workshops, Information for caregivers in Montreal. Information for young carers [F]Montreal
Siblings Canada416-322-5928Events, information, workshops and mentorship programs for adult siblings of people with disabilities or mental illness. [Primarily E]Canada (online)
UpopolisWebsiteOnline community for 10-18 year olds who are navigating chronic or critical illness, medical condition, or disability themselves, or in a sibling or parent. Provides community, trusted information, and support programming. (Referral by professional needed)North America (online)
Young Caregivers Association905-397-4201 Email to register: maggied@youngcaregivers.caFor youth under 25 with a family member with a disability, mental illness, or chronic illness. Online Powerhouse Virtual Workshops for ages 5-12, 12-17, and 17-25 [E]Niagara Region (and online)
Young Carers Project - Hospice Toronto
416-559-7849Recreational, social, educational, and skill development activities for young carers. [E]Toronto
YWCA Montreal514-866-9941 x226Personalized individual counseling, listening and referral, group support, and relaxation and wellness activities for caregivers. Youth mental health program and some young carer events. [E/F]Montreal

Support for youth dealing with mental illness in a loved one

Mental health comes with particular stigma and challenges. These organizations can provide counselling and peer-based groups, or help you navigate the mental health care system and practice skills you need to understand your family member’s condition.

Support groups, workshops, and individual counselling for English-speaking caregivers (18+) with a loved one living with a mental illness. Frequently, we partner with other organizations to support the mental health of all young carers, regardless of their loved one's condition, especially teens and children (5-18) [E]Montreal (Centre West) and across Quebec
Information, respite, and psychosocial support for families affected by mental illness. Ateliers d'Anna workshops and activities for children (6-13) who have a loved one living with mental illness [F]Montreal (Laval)
Arborescence514-524-7131 x108Individual counselling, support groups and workshops for youth (12-29) supporting a loved one with a mental illness. Information and training for organizations. [E/F]Montreal (East, North and Centre-South)
Association de parents pour la santé mentale de Saint-Laurent-Bordeaux-Cartierville514-744-5218Support for families affected by mental illness through support groups, training, workshops and psychosocial support. [Primarily F]Saint-Laurent, Bordeaux, Cartierville
CAP Santé Mentale1-855-272-7837Visit their site for psychosocial support, and information for people supporting a loved one with a mental illness at a member organization near you. Several are developing special supports for young carers! [Primarily F]Quebec
Friends for Mental Health514-636-6885Individual counselling, support groups, art and drama therapy, family sessions, and workshops for people supporting a loved one with a mental illness. Youth programming based on art therapy and individual counselling (6-25). [E/F]Montreal (West Island)
Groupe des Aidants du Sud-Ouest514-564-3061Support for families affected by mental illness, through support groups, training, workshops and psychosocial support. One in-person support group in english (LaSalle), two online support groups in french. [Primarily F]Montreal (South West)
Jewish General Hospital First Episode Psychosis514-340-8222 x24213Treats patients 16-30 experiencing their first psychotic episode, and helps families through support groups and counselling [E/F]Montreal
La Parentrie514-385-6786Support for families affected by mental illness, through: respite, support groups, psychosocial support, legal help, family activities, all available to youth as well (14-29) [F]Montreal (North)
Parents et amis du bien-être mental du Sud-Ouest de Montréal (PABEMSOM)514-368-4824Information, respite, and psychosocial support for families affected by mental illness, with a youth program (12-25) with art drama and art therapy and individual support [EN/FR]Montreal (South West, Verdun)
Répit Une Heure pour Moi514-640-6030Respite services and support group for parents of children with a mental illness. Respite childcare for parents of children with a mental illness: $3,25 hourly for child with mental health concern, plus $0.50 per hour per sibling. Support groups for parents, and for 6-12 year old siblings [F]Montreal
Société Québécoise de la Schizophrénie514-251-4125Support for loved ones. For caregivers: psychosocial support, family peer support, support groups, training, helpline. New youth program for ages 12-29. [F]Quebec

Support by condition or community (outside mental illness)

These services address the needs of youth who support a loved one based on the condition their loved one struggles with, their identity, or their relationship with their loved one. Many primarily serve people with certain conditions, but are noted here because they also provide support to family and friend caregivers. Check our Special Populations resource list for more.

Find a Caregiver Service in QuebecAppui 1-855-852-7784Resource directory for finding support, and Caregiver Support Helpline / Info-Aidant [E/F]Quebec
Find a Caregiver Service in CanadaCanadian Centre for Caregiving Excellence 416-322-5928Events, information, and advocacy for family caregivers. [E/F]Canada
Find a Caregiver Service in QuebecProche Aidance Quebec 514-524-1959Information and advocacy for family caregivers. Services dependent on members. Visit their members directory to find an organization near you. [Primarily F]Quebec
Fondation Emergence - Famille Choisi 438-384-1058Support groups, workshops, and information for 2SLGBTQIA+ caregivers. Online Facebook group [Primarily F/E]Montreal
2SLGBTQIA+LGBTQ Hotline1-866-488-738624/7 suicide hotline for LGBTQ youth [E]USA
AddictionChabad Lifeline 514-738-7700Support for loved ones struggling with addiction and their family, including children. For caregivers: individual psychosocial support, support groups and family workshops. [E]Montreal
AlcoholAla-Teen Find local branch via website
Peer support group for teens who are struggling with the effects of someone else’s problem drinking. Many Alateen groups meet at the same time and location as an Al-Anon group, online meetings for 13-18 year olds. [E/F]Worldwide
ALSALS Quebec514-725-2653Social, financial, and peer support for families supporting someone with ALS. Care training for young carers being piloted in 2024 [Primarily F/E]Quebec
AlzheimersFederation of Quebec Alzheimer Societies 1-888-636-6473Services for your loved one. For caregivers: Guidance, respite, support groups, art therapy, counselling, and intake/referrals. Visit their site for your local chapter. [E/F]Quebec
Autism or intellectual disabilities
Miriam Foundation514-345-1300
Programs and services for kids and adults living with intellectual disabilities or autism spectrum, including residential and respite services. (referral from the CLSC). [E/F]Montreal (Côte-des-Neiges-NDG)
Autism / NeurodivergenceAide Canada OnlineDirectory of support services, information, and events. Some tools and services are for caregivers. [E/F & Other]Canada
Autism, physical or intellectual disability
Centre of Dreams and Hopes 514-327-6667Therapeutic and recreational programs in support of children and adults with intellectual and/or physical disabilities, including respite. Some family programming, and awareness of young carers. [E/F]Montreal
Brain TraumaConnexion TCC.QC 514-543-4800Services for your loved one. Supports for caregivers/family: respite, individual support, support groups, workshops, and activities. Visit their site to find your nearest association [F]Montreal
CancerOrganisme de soutien aux proches aidants en oncologie du Québec (OSPAOQ) 438-379-4131Support, grief support groups, individual counselling for families affected by cancer, with emergent awareness and programming for young carers of people with cancer [Primarily F]Quebec
CancerQuebec Cancer Foundation 1-800-363-0063upport for loved one and accommodations [$]. For caregivers: Free telephone support line and peer matching, activities, support groups and art therapy. Referral to youth services. [E/F]Quebec
CancerWest Island Cancer Wellness Center514-695-9355
Support for families affected by cancer, with emergent awareness and programming for young carers of people with cancer. For young carers, ask to speak with a nurse. Parent resources for communicating with children. [Primarily E/F]Canada (based in Montreal)
Cancer (Pediatric)Leucan 514-731-3696
Support for children with cancer and their families. Support group for siblings aged 12-17, individual and family support. Playrooms in hospitals near outpatient clinics. [E/F]Quebec
Cancer (Pediatric)Campfire Circle1-888-464-6624Community, in-hospital and overnight camp programs for families at any stage of a childhood cancer journey. [E]Ontario
DementiaYoung Caregiver Community - McGillComplete the form on their site or send an email to dementia@mcgill.caMonthly online meetings for caregivers who have a parent, a spouse or a sibling with young-onset major neurocognitive disorders. (Currently ages 20+, but contact them for 13-19) [E/F]Montreal (online)
GrievingCaregiver Grief Connexion514-399-9082Caregiver-specific grieving support and information [E/F]Canada
GrievingDeuil Jeunesse1-855-889-3666Tools, crisis appointments, individual support, parental support, couples support, family support, and support groups (7-11, 12-17, and adults). [Primarily F, E in Montreal]Quebec
GrievingMyra's Foundation438-346-7989Free 3-day summer grief camp for youth (6-17), various online events for families, support groups, and tools [E]Montreal
ImmigrantsACCESSS 514-287-1106For family caregivers: support groups for adults, accompaniment, and referral. Direct support for immigrants. [E/F/Other]Quebec
IndigenousHope for Wellness Helpline1-855-242-331024/7 hotline and online chat for First Nations, Inuit, and Métis Peoples seeking emotional support, crisis intervention, or referrals to community-based services. [E/F/Cree/Ojibway/Inuktitut]Canada
Multiple SclerosisMS Society Canada1-844-859-6789Support for families affected by multiple sclerosis. Online communities such as a Discord server and Facebook group - some books/resources for teens and children. [E/F]Canada
Neurodegenerative Disabilities / Cognitive DisordersLe Temps d’une Pause 514-373-9851Respite, psychosocial support, training, and workshops for caregivers of those with cognitive disorders, Alzheimer's, Parkinson's, Frontotemporal or vascular disease [F]Montreal
Pediatric IllnessMAB Mackay Sibshops at Lethbridge-Layton-Mackay Rehabilitation Centre514-268-5929 or email JenniferGrier01@ssss.gouv.qc.caWorkshops for siblings aged 7-12 of children with chronic and/or life limiting illnesses currently served at Lethbridge-Layton-Mackay Rehabilitation Centre [E/F]Montreal area
Pediatric Palliative CareLe Phare Enfants et Familles 1-866-954-4848Individual, couple, family, and group follow-up for those affected by pediatric palliative care (0-18 years). Bereavement follow-up following the loss of a child. [E/F]Montreal
WomenYWCA Montreal 514-866-9941 x226Personalized individual counseling, listening and referral, group support, and relaxation and wellness activities for women providing care to an elderly loved one. [E/F]Montreal

Help for youth facing family issues

Is your family facing difficult times, or are you having trouble communicating with family members? These organizations can help

Atlas - Centre de Pédiatrie Sociale en Communauté(514) 341-2220Community social pediatrics organization, with services to children (ages 0 to 17) in the Côte-des-Neiges borough whose development is affected by difficult living conditions. Educational, family, therapeutic and legal help. [E/F]Montreal (Côte des Neiges)
Baobab Familiale514-734-4097Family programs and supports, including home respite care, parent workshops, teen programming through the school year ($), community dinners and cafes, and outings. [E/F]Montreal (West-Central)
CAFE Program811 (you must ask for CAFE program by name)The CAFE (Crise-Ado-Famille-Enfance) Program was developed for children aged 0 to 17 and their family who are experiencing a major family crisis. Family approach, with intensive to short-term follow-up, home visits [E/F/Other with interpreter]Quebec
Famille Nouvelle514-525-0063Psychosocial support, family therapy and family mediation, therapy for children and adolescents, couples therapy [E/F/Other]Montreal
Premiere Ressource514-525-2573
Free counselling line for parents & children concerning family issues [E/F]Quebec

Help for school issues due to a family member’s situation

For other schools, contact your student advocacy, academic success, or student wellness offices (visit our Student Resource List). The young carer services listed above may help you advocate as well.

Beat the Odds Concordiabeattheodds@concordia.caConcordia students from equity-deserving groups apply for a paid internship (full-time or part-time), with mentorship, workshops and networking. Young carers are eligible! [E]Montreal
CIUSSS Centre-Ouest - School ServicesCall 811Psychosocial follow-up as well as individual and family intervention for students experiencing situations that interfere with learning [E/F]Montreal (West-Central)
McGill Student Caregivers Student Wellness Hub 514-398-6017Information and support for young carers and students who are parents. Academic accommodations, wellness events, and a support group are available for young carers [E]Montreal
UQAM Young Caregivers proche-aidance@uqam.caUQAM is the first Montreal university to recognize young carers in policy. Visit their site to read what rights and accomodations UQAM can provide [F]Montreal

Help for legal and social issues

If you’re struggling with a difficult situation, every bit of support helps. Here you’ll find organizations that can help if you believe you may benefit from legal assistance or advice. Head and Hands or your local CLSC are great places to start. 

Head and Hands514-481-0277Counselling for youth 12-25, health, legal, & social services, activities. [E/F]Montreal (Côte-des-Neiges)
Batshaw Youth Protection514-935-6196Addresses the needs of children and youths whose security or development may be endangered. The role of the DYP is to put an end to the situation and prevent recurrence by working with families [E/F]Montreal (Westmount)
CAVAC1-866 532-2822Caseworkers provide help to mitigate impacts on witnesses or victims of a crime (reported, or not). Counselling is available for children. [E/F]Quebec
The health and social services network complaint examination system1-844-630-5125 (CIUSSS Centre-Ouest de Montreal)Report an unsafe or disrespectful situation or file a complaint about health and social services [E/F]Quebec
Legal Aid Youth514-864-9833Free legal aid for youth, services for youth protection & justice system [E/F]Montreal
SOS Violence Conjugale1-800-363-9010Assistance and referral to ensure safety of victims of intimate partner violence (IPV) and that of their children. Free and bilingual. Available 24/7. [E/F]Quebec

Practical help

Practical services to help with everyday needs like food, income, and recreation.

Assistance MeasureCaregivers of legal age can register as an “assistant”. This gives you the right to access information from third parties (ie hospital, banks, revenue Canada) and communicate on your loved one’s behalf [E/F]OnlineQuebec
Cleaning for a ReasonProvides free home cleaning to patients battling cancer.OnlineCanada & USA
Income Tax Clinics for Low-Income HouseholdsFree assistance to file simple tax returns, including medical expenses and applying for benefits. Criteria must be met. [E/F]Visit site for local numberCanada
iRespite Agency NavigatorRespite services directory for Quebec [E/F]OnlineQuebec
KidSport CanadaSupport for children in order to remove financial barriers that prevent them from playing organized sports [E/F]1-888-914-5437Canada
Meals on Wheels/Santropol RoulantMeal delivery 5 days a week in certain areas of Montreal for individuals living with loss of autonomy. Meal cost is $6. [E/F]514-284-9335Montreal
Répit Une Heure pour MoiRespite services and support group for parents of children with a mental illness. Respite childcare for parents of children with a mental illness: $3,25 hourly for child with mental health concern, plus $0.50 per hour per sibling. Support groups for parents, and for 6-12 year old siblings [F]514-640-6030Montreal
Sun Youth RecreationActivities for youth, camps, sports, volunteering, food, clothing, assistance [E/F]514-842-6822Montreal (Plateau)

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